Journal Agregate <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Jurnal Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Politeknik Negeri Ambon.</strong></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"> </p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Jurnal Agregate</strong> adalah Jurnal yang memberikan informasi ilmiah tentang perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi bidang Struktur, Bahan Bangunan Dan Kegempaan, Teknik Sumber Daya Air, Transportasi, Management Konstruksi, Geoteknikal, Teknik Pantai Dan Tsunami.</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">Jurnal Agregate diterbitkan sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu di bulan Maret dan bulan September.</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">e-ISSN: 2964-5158</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">DOI Prefix 10.31959</p> Jurusan Teknik Sipil en-US Journal Agregate 2964-5158 ANALISA KONDISI KERUSAKAN LAPISAN PERMUKAAN JALAN DESA SAKA – WAILULU SERAM UTARA BARAT KABUPATEN MALUKU TENGAH <p>Highways are one of the supporting facilities for an area that can accelerate economic growth and development in that area. The highway in Saka - Wailulu Village is located on Jalan Taniwel - Saleman, one of the national roads in Maluku Province, Central Maluku Regency, North West Seram District. This research aims to determine the condition and type of road damage and determine the PCI value. The PCI method is a method that can assess the type of road pavement damage and the severity of the road. The results of the analysis of road conditions in Saka - Wailulu Village, Taniwel - Saleman Section using the PCI method showed an average PCI value of 72,375 with a verry good rating with 8 types of damage occurring, namely alligator cracking, potholes, block cracking, whaethering or raveling, patching and utility cut patching, joint reflection cracking, shoving and depression.</p> Hadi Purwanto Musper David Soumokil Stephanie Jenifer Sihasale Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 1 11 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2272 PASAK KAYU SEBAGAI BAHAN ALTERNATIF ALAT SAMBUNG PADA KONSTRUKSI KAYU <p>Pegs are a connecting tool in wood construction that is used as the main material to connect wooden beams with one another wooden beam so that they can be strengthened and united. One of the woods that will be made pegs is merbau wood which is found in Maluku. The research method used is an experimental method carried out through an experiment to obtain information on an object of research. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering of Ambon State Polytechnic. The number of specimens used is 9 pieces with a peg diameter of 15 mm and variations in pedestal widths of 20 mm, 30 mm and 40 mm totaling 3 pieces each. Of the three variations of test specimens, there is an average maximum load on each test specimen, namely for a 20 mm pedestal of 15000 N, test specimen 2, a 30 mm pedestal of 16500 N and test specimen 3, a 40 mm pedestal of 17166.67 N and the average shear strength produced is, 42.46 Mpa at a pedestal thickness of 20 mm, 46.71 Mpa for wood thickness of 30 mm, and 48.59 Mpa for 40 mm wood thickness.</p> Firman Gunawan Herry Henry Roberth Fredy Picauly Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 12 20 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2314 ANALISIS FAKTOR KETERLAMBATAN PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG RUANG KELAS BARU MADRASAH 5 MALUKU TENGAH <p>The construction project for the Central Maluku 5 Madrasah New Classroom Building project was carried out by CV Nadilla with a contract value of Rp. 2,891,000,000 and the duration of work is 119 calendar days in accordance with the contents of the work contract. The Central Maluku 5 Madrasah New Classroom Building Construction project experienced a delay in the 1st (first) week, with a cumulative plan of 0.15% but in reality it was 0.00%. then in the 14th week with a cumulative plan of 20.54% but in reality it was obtained 17.50%. and the 15th week with a cumulative plan of 44.26% but in reality it was obtained 42.03%. The research method uses data collection techniques and questionnaires with the types of data used are primary data and secondary data. Methods of data analysis using validity test, reliability test, factor analysis test, and F test and T test using toolsStatistical Program for Social Scine (SPSS) version 29 where in this method data will be obtained from the results of the questionnaire which will then be analyzed with the SPSS version 29 tool. The magnitude of the influence of the factors causing the delay in the Construction Project for the New Classroom Building for Madrasah 5 Central Maluku is due to the Labor factor (X1), Material (X2), Environmental (X3), and Managerial (X4), have an effect on the Delay variable (Y), because the significant value obtained is 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05 and the calculated F value obtained is 103.072 which is greater than the F table value of 2.74. The components of the factors causing the delay in the construction project of the New Classroom Building for Madrasah 5 Central Maluku were caused by the Labor factor (X1) with a valueStandardized Coefficients Beta of 0.369, Material (X2) with valueStandardized Coefficients Beta of 0.271, Environment (X3) with a valueStandardized Coefficients Beta of 0.222, and Managerial factor (X4) with valueStandardized Coefficients Beta of 0.196.</p> Risma Umarella Lenora Leuhery Maslan Abdin Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 21 26 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2221 IDENTIFIKASI DAN PENILAIAN KONDISI PADA JEMBATAN WAI POHON PULE I DAN JEMBATAN WAI POHON PULE II KOTA AMBON <p>Bridges are a means of transportation that have a significant role in the smooth traffic movement. Where the function of a bridge is to connect transportation routes that are separated by rivers, swamps, lakes, straits, canals, highways and other crossings. Because the role of bridges is very important, it is necessary to evaluate the feasibility of the bridge. This research aims to analyze the damage level to the Wai Pohon Pule I and Wai Pohon Pule II Bridges in Ambon City based on the standard Bridge Management System (BMS) assessment. From the research results, there was damage to the Wai Pohon Pule I Bridge and the Wai Pohon Pule II Bridge with the condition values ​​of the bridges being as follows, the Wai Pohon Pule I Bridge with the condition value of the bridge being 3 (Damage that requires immediate action), the Wai Pohon Pule Bridge II with the condition value of the bridge being 3 (Damage that requires immediate action).</p> Jondri Tetiray Herry Henry Roberth Musper David Soumokil Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 27 36 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2467 MANAJEMEN PEMELIHARAAN DAN PERAWATAN GEDUNG PADA RUMAH SAKIT PRATAMA KECAMATAN LEIHITU KABUPATEN MALUKU TENGAH <p>Research to analyze Building Maintenance and Maintenance Management at Pratama Hospital, Leihitu District, Central Maluku Regency, before the damage to buildings and fittings is heavier and disrupts services to the community, it is necessary to have good maintenance so that the planned technical life can be achieved. where there are 5 components, namely Structural, Architectural, Electrical, Mechanical and Outdoor Layout. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires, the data analysis technique used was SPSS 26 software. Data analysis starts with validity tests and reliability tests with statistical descriptive analysis methods. This research was conducted to determine the assessment of building users and the implementation of building maintenance and maintenance. From the results of the analysis conducted on building user ratings, descriptive analysis showed that of the 30 respondents and 3 categories with the highest frequency. Based on structural variables, 15 people rated "good enough" architectural variables, 21 people rated "good enough", electrical variables 20 people rated "good enough, mechanical variables 21 people rated "good enough", outdoor spatial variables 20 people rated "good enough", and housekeeping variables 21 people rated "good enough". It is known that the results of the implementation of building maintenance and maintenance based on the category with the highest percentage, namely the "good enough" category, including 50% structural variables.</p> Septiana Ole Lenora Leuhery La Mohamat Saleh Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 37 45 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2281 ANALISA FAKTOR PENYEBAB DAN AKIBAT PERUBAHAN KONTRAK PEKERJAAN (CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER) PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG INSTALASI RAWAT INAP 2 RSUD MAREN Hi. NOHO RENUAT KOTA TUA <p>Construction projects often encounter problems such as changes occurring during implementation. These changes may occur in the early, middle, or late stages of the project. Hanna AS (2002) defines a change or change order (CO) in a construction project as an event leading to a change. In this study, the author uses the SmartPLS 4.0 application for data analysis techniques. SmartPLS 4.0 has an outer model/measurement model and an inner model/structural model to test the degree of validity and reliability of the indicators of the variables used in the study and also to determine the impact of relationships between each variable used in the study. Loading factor values for each indicator exceeded 0.6 and AVE values for each variable exceeded 0.5 in the convergence validity test of this study. For the discriminant validity tests, the cross-loading score and the Fornell-Larcker score meet the SmartPLS 4.0 requirements, and the HTMT score for each variable is less than 0.9. The R² test (r-squared) gave an R² value of ≥ 0.75 (75%). On the other hand, the path coefficient test yields a significance value (P-value) for the effect between variables of 0.05 or less for an alpha value of 5%. It can be said that the variables used in this study are valid and there are strong relationships between the test variables.</p> Damayanti Lestaluhu La Mohammat Saleh Henriette Dorothy Titaley Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 46 55 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2359 PENGGUNAAN PASAK PELEPAH SAGU SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF ALAT SAMBUNG PADA KONSTRUKSI KAYU <p>Stakes have long been known as a joint tool in wooden construction made using wood that has high shear and bending resistance, because hardwood is starting to be scarce, so this test is carried out to find other alternative materials as a substitute for wooden pegs that have high resistance, knowing how much shear strength is obtained in sago frond pegs, and the influence of pegs with variations in wood thickness on the size of the shear strength. The research method used is experimental, which is an experimental method in which an experiment is carried out to obtain information about something being experimented. This research was carried out in the Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering, Ambon State Polytechnic, using sago fronds as a sample in the test. The data collection technique used is experimental on test objects. The results of the shear strength test obtained on the sago frond peg at the base width of 20 mm were obtained that the average shear strength was 40,103 MPa, the width of the 30 mm base was 44,821 MPa and the width of the 40 mm base was 47,652 MPa, so it can be concluded that the shear strength is affected by the size of the support, the larger the base the greater the shear force received.</p> Risky Sawaluddin Fredy Picauly Abraham Tuanakotta Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 56 64 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2166 ANALISIS KINERJA STRUKTUR GEDUNG BERTINGKAT DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE STATIC NON-LINEAR (STUDI KASUS : GEDUNG DPRD KABUPATEN MALUKU TENGAH) <p>Central Maluku Regency is an area prone to earthquakes because it is included in one of the 5th earthquake zone areas in Indonesia, so it is very necessary to analyze the performance of structures against earthquakes. The purpose of this research is to produce the displacement value between floors in the upper structure of the Central Maluku Regency DPRD Building and obtain the performance of the upper structure of the Central Maluku Regency DPRD Building with non-linear static analysis with the help of the SAP2000 v.22 program. This research shows several conclusions. The displacement value between plants due to the largest X-direction earthquake load is 21.19 mm, and the largest Y-direction displacement is 20.73 mm. Evaluation of structural performance The results of the X-direction review capacity curve show that the building is included in the IO condition, while the Y-direction review provides an overview of the behavior of the structure experiencing elastic, in-elastic conditions and then experiencing collapse shown by the curve with a decrease. In the Y direction, the building is included in the IO condition. The design concept of a strong column weak beam is fulfilled, this is because, in the structural elements of the building, the beam experiences plastic conditions earlier than the column.</p> Krisselto Pattiwael Pieter Lourens Frans Vector R. R. Hutubessy Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 65 75 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2115 PERENCANAAN DINDING PENAHAN TANAH PADA AREA LONGSOR DI JALAN SYARANAMUAL DESA POKA KOTA AMBON <p>Syaranamual street is situated in Poka Village, Ambon . It is one of the provincial roads affected by landslides due to its location near a fairly high slope/cliff, precisely at Batu Koneng Fruit Market, Poka Village. The landslide disaster that occurred was due to the influence of bad weather in the form of high-intensity rain accompanied by strong winds that hit Ambon city, so a solution was needed in the form of planning the construction of a retaining wall. The research aims to plan the dimensions of the retaining wall and analyze and determine the safety factor for the stability of the retaining wall in the landslide area on Jl. Syaranamual, Poka Village, Ambon . The method used in this study is by using theory and also empirical formulas according to Rankine about active earth pressure and passive earth pressure on retaining walls and the Terzaghi method regarding soil bearing capacity. The study results show that the planned retaining wall is a gravity retaining wall with height (H) = 4 m, bottom width (B) = 2.4 m, top width (T) = 0.3 m, and Df = 0.5 m. The safety factor obtained from the calculation results is that the wall is stable against the shear force with a value of 2.2 &gt; 1.5 (Safe), the wall is stable against the overturning force with a value of 2.03 &gt; 1.5 (Safe), and the safety factor for the stability of the retaining wall obtained is 3 (Safe).</p> Wirda Rahantoknam Ruben Kumbangsila Renny James Betaubun Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 76 82 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2217 ANALISIS EARNED VALUE TERHADAP BIAYA DAN WAKTU PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN RUANG KELAS BARU MADRASAH TSNAWIYAH NEGERI 6 MALUKU TENGAH <p>In project implementation, project completion often occurs that is not under planning both in terms of time, cost, and quality, as well as over budget, so to overcome this, good project management is needed in the form of time, cost, and quality control. on the New Classroom Construction Project for Madrasah Tsnawiyah Negeri 6 Central Maluku located in Liang Village, Kec. Salahutu, Kab. Central Maluku which has a budget of Rp. 2,998,745,000.00 with a planned implementation time of 126 calendar days from June to October 2022 but the realization of the project was late and was completed in 168 calendar days. To overcome this problem, the author uses the earned value method. The Earned Value method is a control method used to control project costs and time in an integrated manner. From the results of the last analysis in the 24th week, the work cost index (CPI) &lt; 1, which means that the actual costs (ACWP) incurred were greater than the planned work costs (BCWP) so that the project experienced a cost deviation with a presentation of 0.92%. or 266,915,349.35 from the project budget, while for (SPI) the time performance index in the 18th week is &lt;1, which means the project performance is slower than the planned schedule so that the project experiences a time deviation of 168 working days with an additional 42 working days from the scheduled implementation 126 working days so that the project was completed in the 24th week.</p> Elis Walalayo La Mohamat Saleh Willem Gaspersz Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 83 90 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2245 PENGGUNAAN SAMPAH KARDUS DAN PEREKAT UNTUK PEMBUATAN BALOK 5/7 <h1> </h1> <p>Waste is one of the problems that continues to be handled to maintain environmental sustainability and health. According to the type, waste consists of 5 (five types), namely organic waste, inorganic, paper waste, toxic waste, and residual waste. In this study, what was used was waste. Cardboard waste is made into blocks, made with ledges of work steps starting from making formwork, measuring component components consisting of used cardboard, glue, and water, then continued with mixing these component components into specimens, and putting the specimens into the formwork, and waiting for time to open the cardboard blocks that have been printed from the formwork. The test carried out on this cardboard block is a flexural strength test, and after being tested the cardboard block produces excellent strength, so that cardboard blocks can and are easy to use as construction materials.</p> <h1> </h1> Maryo lois Manuhuttu Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 91 95 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2509 PENENTUAN PARAMETER GELOMBANG LAUT BERDASARKAN DATA ANGIN YANG MENGACU PADA ECMWF (EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM-RANGE WEATHER FORECAST) DIPERAIRAN DUSUN WAEYOHO, DESA KAWA, KAB. SBB <p>In West Seram Regency, precisely in Waeyoho Hamlet, Kawa Village, which has an area of ​​20 hectares / 0.2 Km2 with a coastline length of 2 Km, is one of the places where most of the people earn their income from sea products (fishermen), where when they go out in the morning or in the afternoon then we will return to land the next day. Seeing this situation, when we are going to carry out shipping activities, of course, we need daily weather information such as wave height from strong winds that occur in the middle of the sea. Prediction of wave parameters using the wind data approach method taken from ECMWF (European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecast) data. Wind data obtained at the research location in the waters of Waeyoho Hamlet, Kawa Village, Sbb Regency, Maluku in 2023 throughout January - October has a dominant northwest wind direction with a wind speed of 11.10 m/s, based on the monthly wind speed graph. The highest wind speed was obtained in May, July, August, and September, the relationship between wind speed on land and at sea was obtained by the value RL = 1.1 and the value Uw = 12.21 m/s, the wind stress factor (Ua) was obtained 15, 41 m/s, The average effective fetch value from the research location was 346.03 Km. Forecasting deep sea waves with limited fetch conditions, the value Hmo= 4.63m Tm=10.89 s, t=19.8 hours was obtained</p> Saharti Isak Lilipory Steanly R. R. Pattiselanno Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Agregate 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 96 101 10.31959/ja.v3i2.2389