Journal Mechanical Engineering <p><strong>Jurnal Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Politeknik Negeri Ambon.</strong><br /><strong>Journal Mechanical Engineering</strong> adalah Jurnal yang memberikan informasi ilmiah tentang perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi bidang Manufaktur, Perawatan, Otomotif, Teknik Produksi Migas dan Teknologi Rekayasa Sistem Mekanikal Migas<br />Journal Mechanical Engineering diterbitkan sebanyak tiga kali dalam setahun, yaitu di bulan April, Agustus dan Desember.<br />e-ISSN: 2988-4977<br />DOI Prefix 10.31959</p> en-US (Nevada J. M. Nanulaitta,ST.,MT) (Evandro Adolf Willem Manuputty) Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 ANALISA REMAINING LIFE DAILY STORAGE TANK DI PLTMG SERAM PEAKER 20 MW MASOHI – MALUKU TENGAH <p><em>Increased global energy demand has resulted in rapid growth in the oil and gas industry, including in Indonesia. Storage tanks play an important role in the storage of large quantities of liquids and must comply with strict technical standards and government regulations, such as American Petroleum Institute (API) 650, 653, and 575 and Permen of ESDM No. 32 of 2021. Seram Peaker 20 MW Masohi-Maluku Tengah MHP, as a vital asset for providing electrical energy, has a fuel storage tank that has never been inspected since the beginning of its operation. Non-compliance with API 653 standards potentially poses a risk of structural damage, leakage, and disruption to fuel supply. This research identifies the importance of periodic structural integrity evaluation using an Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge GM 100 to measure the decrease in plate thickness due to corrosion and predict the remaining service life of the tank. The results of the calculation show that each course starting from course 1-5 is 109.4 years, 72.3 years, 56.9 years, 43.6 years, 38 years, this shows that the Daily Storage Tank PLTMG Seram Peaker 20 MW Masohi-Central Maluku can operate for the next 38 years.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords : Storage Tank, Remaining Life, Inspections, UTG, Corrosion Rate</em></p> Nur Aisyah Utami Kelian, Erwin Patikayhattu, Nevada. J. M. Nanulaitta, Meiti Leatemia Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Mechanical Engineering Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PERANCANGAN TEORITIS PLTS TERPUSAT SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF SUPLAI LISTRIK KEBUTUHAN SUCKER ROD PUMP <p><em>Design of PLTS is an effort to enhance the reliability of electrical power, electrification ratio, and utilization of renewable energy in the oil and gas industry. The availability of electricity is extremely urgent to meet the production process requirements, particularly for the motor-driven SRP pumping system. Currently, the industry relies on PLN and genset electricity for daily production activities. However, the design of a centralized PLTS system is expected to meet the SRP electricity needs in the oil and gas industry. The power grid in the oil and gas industry is obtained from PLN and genset. Therefore, the need for a power plant is evident. Related to the research previously discussed with the title “Design of Centralized PLTS as an Alternative Electricity Supply for Sucker Rod Pump” (Pinky Kartikasari, 2024), this study aims to determine the capacity of panels and batteries required for the development of a centralized PLTS in the oil and gas industry. The method used in this research is quantitative because it involves calculating the capacity of solar panels, daily energy needs, and numerical system analysis. The results show that the total energy requirement for SRP electricity supply is 264 kWh/day. The required capacity of panels is 106 kWp, with a total of 200 monocrystalline panels each with a capacity of 550 Wp. Additionally, there are 128 batteries with a capacity of 24V 200Ah. The inverter used is the PV1800 ECO Series 6.200W type, with 20 units in total.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: PLTS (Solar Power Plant), SRP (Sucker Rod Pump), Oil and Gas Industry</em></p> Pinky Kartikasari, Azmain Noor Hatuwe, Eka R. M. A. P. Lilipaly Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Mechanical Engineering Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISA KINERJA NATURAL DRAFT COOLING TOWER DI PPSDM MIGAS CEPU <p><em>Human resource development center (PPSDM) a series of production processes such as boiler, power plants, coal testing sites, water treatment, fire and safety, pumps, welding workshops, distribution sites and refinery units, one of which is the cooling tower. The cooling tower is part of the power generation system that has a function as a heat exchanger between hot water coming out of the condenser and air so that the water has a lower temperature and can be reused in the condesation proses. The reseach on natural draf cooling tower in PPSDM migas aims to find parameters that affect the performance of natural draf cooling tower such as efficiency, make up water and also the heat transfer capacity of the cooling tower unit. In this writing, researchers use direct research methods in the field to find out the phenomena that occur in the colling Tower. While the performance of the natural draft cooling tower is calculated using the calculation method. The research results show an actual of 82,61 %, the recorded cooling capacity is 2417,941 kJ/s and the make up water value is 24.03 %</em><br><em>Keywords: Cooling tower, Range, Approach, Effectiveness, Cooling Capacity, Make-Up Water.</em></p> Tesya Putirulan, Kristofol Waas, Leslie S Loppies, Agustinus Oktovianus Lopuhaa Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Mechanical Engineering Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PERHITUNGAN BEBAN PENDINGIN PADA COLD ROOM DAN ABF-1 UNTUK PENYIMPANAN PRODUK HASIL LAUT DI PT. MINA USAHA HARAPAN <p><em>Refrigeration has become an essential part in the design of spaces that will be occupied by people or products intended to provide space temperature, humidity, other process requirements. Refrigeration was originally used to produce ice, as technology advances, refrigeration has an important role in commercial and non-commercial refrigeration. Research on efficient refrigeration has been carried out by several previous studies. Previous methods were used by calculating cooling efficiency and heat loads that affect cold storage cooling.</em><br><em>Based on an interview with one fishery company focused on processing quality seafood products located in PPN Tantui, PT Mina Usaha Harapan, the energy consumption for the cooling system takes up almost 70%-80% of the total energy expenditure of the company. Due to several factors, including excessive heat loads provision, or inefficient cold storage design. Therefore, author wants to calculate the cold storage performance in one of the seafood processing companies based on eco-fishing located in PPN Tantui, PT Mina Usaha Harapan.</em><br><em>Calculations and analysis have been carried out in the previous chapter, several conclusions is made: 1) The average value of evaporator capacity is 34.96 kW for Cold Room and 57.39 kW for Air Blast Freezer 2) The calculated total load value (without product load) is 11.94 kW for Cold Room and 3.56 kW for ABF. 3) The company set a time of 9 hours to freeze 3500 kg of seafood, but according to calculation results, it only takes 7 hours to freeze 3830.4 kg of products with product temperature reaching -21 ͦC.</em><br><br><em>Keywords: vapor compression cold storage, refrigeration load, cold room, abf, cold storage, evaporator capacity, seafood products</em></p> Isaac Bryant Kakiay, Kristofol Waas, Roy R. Lekatompessy Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Mechanical Engineering Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Evaluasi Kinerja Insulasi Pipa Uap Panas Fire Tube Boiler Pada Industri Kilang Minyak Dan Gas <p><em>The steam pipe fuctions as a conduit for hot steam from the boiler to other unit. During the transport process in the pipe, it is expected that heat loss from the steam in minumized, so that the required on the steam pipe unit in need. Therefore, hot pipes need to be insulated. In this study, the insulation on the steam pipe is mae of rock wool with a thickness of 7,5 cm. After a long period of operation, it is necessary to evaluate the insulation perfomance in retaining the rate of heat loss. The method used in this research in theoretical review, where the data is obtained from field observations and then analyzed using equations from supporting references. From the discussion results, it is found heat loss in the pipe occurs through conduction and convection, also influenced by variations in ambient temperature. The average total heat loss is 15,715.90 Watts. The percentage of heat loss compared to the total steam transported through the pipe is 0,3376% on average, and the insulation perfomance in preventing heat loss is considered still effective.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Insulation,Boiler, Steam pipe,Refinery.</em></p> Delsi Natalia Siahaya, Azmain. N. Hatuwe, Jeffrie J Malakauseya Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Mechanical Engineering Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS LAJU KOROSI DAN SISA UMUR PAKAI PADA TANGKI TIMBUN BAHAN BAKAR DI PLTD HARUKU <p><em>Corrosion resistance is the most important criterion in determining both the service life (remaining life) and operational reliability of equipment in the oil and gas industry. So it is very important to monitor the performance of every equipment in this industry. As with storage tanks, during long periods of operation and use, performance will likely decrease or could be said to experience thinning, thereby posing a danger to the thickness and remaining life of the ultrasonic thickness measuring instrument. differences in steel thickness data from the beginning and the thickness carried out by researchers. The data collected is also data that determines the minimum value for steel thickness in order to calculate the useful life of the media that will be examined by tanks that carry out measurements and maintenance using API 653 standards. Take measurements at several points 1. From the results of the analysis of the 100KL Tank located at PLTD HARUKU Using the UTG-90 Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge tool for plate thickness in August 2024, the results were that for Course 1 3.3, Course 2 3.4, Course 3 4.1, and Course 4 4.0 and the remaining tank life for each -Course 1, Course 2, Course 3 and Course 4 respectively are 11.26 years, 11.86 years, 32 years, 27.8 years1. The 100KL tank needs to undergo a Remaining Life Assessment (RLA) in 2028 and a regular tank inspection routine must be carried out to prevent leaks in the tank at least once every 4 years.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords : Tangki, corrosion, remaining life, tank thickness</em></p> Salman Marasabessy, M.Said Karyani, Eka R. M. A. P. Lilipaly Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Mechanical Engineering Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISA TEORITIS HASIL PENGENDALIAN KOROSI PADA INSTALASI PIPA MINYAK DI PERUSAHAAN X <p><em>Corrosion in oil pipelines is a frequent problem in the upstream oil and gas industry, reducing the strength of the structure to withstand fluid pressure and causing severe damage that cannot be repaired. This study aims to determine the factors that cause corrosion, apply the coating method as corrosion control, and conduct a comparative analysis of the corrosion control methods used in the oil piping system. The results of the analysis show that environmental conditions affect the type of material to be used. The use of the right pipe material such as stainless steel or API 5L steel can help in the selection of corrosion control methods, one of which is the coating method. Thus, this research helps to improve the operational efficiency of oil pipeline installations, reduce damage, and extend the service life of pipelines. In addition, this study also aims to compare the effectiveness of the corrosion control methods applied and the materials used, so that it can provide the right recommendations to control corrosion in oil pipes using an effective coating method. </em></p> Tierza Yulia Waworundeng, Samuel M. J. S. Tuny, Berthy Pelasula Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Mechanical Engineering Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EVALUASI KINERJA CARGO OIL STRIPPING PUMP TYPE BORNEMANN TWIN SCREW 2HM4200-100 DI KAPAL MT. NONI T <p><em>Evaluation of the performance of cargo oil stripping pumps on the Mt. Noni T ship is needed for smooth loading and unloading of avtur at PT Pertamina Prata Niaga Integrated Wayame Ambon. Pumps that operate continuously will experience a decrease in work. This can be caused by several factors, namely the age of the pump, and the level of roughness of the pipe that causes an increase in head loss. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of cargo oil stripping pumps on the MT. Noni T. The method carried out in the study uses a quantitative method with 2 variables. The independent variable is the input power and output power of the pump while the bound variable is the efficiency of the pump. The data obtained consisted of primary data and secondary data. The methods used when collecting data are interview, observation, and documentation methods. The result of this study is that there is a decrease in pump efficiency which was initially 100% to 80% influenced by the life of the pump and its operating time. Suggestions that can be given are Conducting periodic inspections of the pump to prevent damage that may occur in the future and Conducting inspections of the pump drive motor so that the pump works properly.</em><br><em>Keywords: Screw, pump, efficiency, tanker, Flow.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Yuliens Anggin Kayadoe, Roy R Lekatompessy, Graciadiana I Huka, Sanny Hahury Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Mechanical Engineering Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISA LAJU KOROSI PIPA SCH 40 SEAMLESS DENGAN VARIASI MEDIA PENGKOROSIAN AIR PAYAU DAN AIR LAUT <p><em>Metals, especially steel, are widely used in various industrial applications due to their strength and durability. However, corrosion is a significant drawback that can shorten the life of the material. This research aims to analyze the corrosion rate of SCH 40 seamless pipes with a variety of corrosion media: brackish water, sea water, aquadess, NaCl solution, and oxygen, in conditions without paint coating and with paint coating. The research method uses the weight loss method according to the ASTM G102-89 standard, where the corrosion rate is measured in millimeters per year (mmpy) by calculating the difference in pipe weight before and after immersion. The results show that the corrosion rate without paint coating is: brackish water 0.00016 mmpy, sea water 0.00014 mmpy, aquadess 0.00016 mmpy, NaCl 0.00015 mmpy, and oxygen 0.0000045 mmpy. Seawater showed the lowest corrosion rate, possibly due to the formation of a passive protective layer. Oxygen had the lowest corrosion rate, indicating that oxygen alone does not cause significant corrosion without moisture. With paint coating, the pipe corrosion rate becomes: brackish water 0.00000125 mmpy, sea water 0.00000125 mmpy, aquadess 0.00000268 mmpy, NaCl 0.00000107 mmpy, and oxygen 0.00000125 mmpy. The use of paint coatings significantly reduces the rate of corrosion, especially in corrosive media such as brackish water, sea water and salt solutions. These results emphasize the importance of paint coatings to extend the service life of pipes by reducing the speed of corrosion.</em></p> <p><em>Key words: corrosion, seamless pipe, paint coating, corrosion media, corrosion rate, weight loss method</em></p> Cindy Gabriel Maitimu, Leslie S. Loppies, Denny Ismail Pellu, Graciadiana I Huka Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Mechanical Engineering Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISA LAJU KOROSI PADA SAMBUNGAN ELBOW PIPA MINYAK DI PT. PLN ( PERSERO ) ULPLTD POKA <p><em>The oil pipeline network is a critical infrastructure that plays a vital role in the oil and gas industry. However, one of the significant challenges faced by this pipeline system is corrosion. Corrosion is a chemical process that leads to the deterioration of metal quality due to electrochemical reactions with the environment. Corrosion in oil pipelines not only reduces the wall thickness but can also result in leaks, structural damage, and even accidents that negatively impact human safety and the environment.</em><br><em>The objective of this research is to analyze the corrosion rate in the elbow joints of oil pipelines at PT PLN (Persero) ULPTD Poka. This study employs a quantitative method involving two variables. The independent variable is the elbow type, specifically the 90° elbow, while the dependent variables are the corrosion rate calculations and the remaining service life (RSL) of the elbow pipes.</em><br><em>The results indicate that the corrosion rate varies at each measurement point on the elbow joints. The RSL calculations show significant variation based on the thickness of the pipe wall at each elbow. The highest RSL values were found in elbows 3, 4, 5, and 8, with a remaining service life of up to 49.5 years. Conversely, elbow 1 had the lowest RSL at 38 years. The higher RSL in some elbows suggests that despite experiencing corrosion, the remaining thickness is still sufficient to support the pipeline's function for a longer duration. Recommendations include the need for intensive maintenance on the oil pipeline elbow joints, especially on segments above ground and near corrosive sources.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Oil Pipeline, Corrosion Elbow Joint, Remaining Service Life (RSL), Maintenance</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Widianti Suparman, Berthy Pelasula, Alexander A. Patty Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Mechanical Engineering Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700