Location Quatient, Sector Base, Non BasesAbstract
Regional economic development is essentially a series of activities carried out by vernmen area, together with
the communities in managing and utilizing existing resources optimally to stimulate regional economic development
in order to improve living standards for people in the area. Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) in Indonesia
essentially consists of nine sectors, namely (1) the agricultural sector; (2) mining and quarrying; (3) processing
industry; (4) electricity, gas and water; (5) building and construction; (6) trade, hotels and restaurants; (7)
transport and communications; (8) the financial, leasing and business services; and (9) services. This study aims to
determine the basic sector and non base in Ambon City. Metodo data analysis used in this research is the analysis of
LQ (Location Quatient) to measure the concentration rather than something or industrial activity in a region by
comparing its role in the economy of the area with industrial activities same role in the national economy. The
results of the analysis of LQ (determination of the basic sector and non-base) of the sectors of the economy shows
that are included in the basic sector is the sector of transport and communications, financial services, leasing and
business services, the services sector and the sector of electricity, gas and water supply. They include the sector
while the non bases are agriculture, mining and quarrying, manufacturing and construction sector.
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